Monday, July 19, 2010

Hyperbole and a Half

Hyperbole and a Half is probably one of my favorite blogs. Allie Brosh, the author, is hysterical and just so freakin' creative.

This is her mission statement:

Do you like velociraptors, pirates, sharks and boats? Then you will probably like my blog!
I have never written about the previously listed things, per se, but I like them... and you like them... so we obviously have something in common.

Some of her posts are pretty random, like this one, but the blog is pretty much a composite of stories she tells about herself, with exaggeration. She also draws her own cartoons to go with the stories to make them even more hilarious. This girl has almost 15,000 followers!! She is good, really good! Allie is becoming a web sensation and I would really hate for any of you to miss out on the great things she has to say.

How a Fish Almost Destroyed My Childhood is probably my favorite, so start there and see what you think!
Photo Source All photos belong to Allie Brosh and her brilliant brain.

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